
What plants should be grown in shaded spots?

Plants growing in shaded spots should be accustomed to the specific conditions, otherwise they will stop their growth and will simply rot. Here are some plants which will be ideal for areas where sunlight is scarce.
Plants which should be grown in shaded spots:
  • Bellis: viola odorata, vinca minor, glechoma, hypericum, hosta, ranunculus repens, iris sibirica, convallaria majalis, pulmonaria officinalis, galanthus nivalis, muscari, aconitum firmum, fern, etc.;
  • Vines: hedera, hydrangea petiolaris, clematis, schizophragma hydrangeoides;
  • Broad-leave trees and shrubs: carpinus, ginko biloba, rhododendron, rhododendron molle japonicum, buxus, hydrangea, ribes alpinum;
  • Conifers: taxus, Canadian pine, thujpopsis dolabrata

Those are only some examples – there are many other plants which will be good to grow in shady spots. You can find most of them in garden centres. You should ask the shop assistant for an advice – he/she will gladly help you and inform how to take care of the plant so it will stay beautiful for a long time.

beautiful plants in garden
Photo by katsrcool


Garden picnic area

It might sound strange, but garden design doesn’t depend on plants alone, no matter how beautiful and well-kept they are. To make your garden unique and noticeable, you have to think about accessories which will complement your chosen garden style. Flower pots, rock formations, ponds – everything has to have its proper place and appearance. But there is one universal addition which will make every garden not only more beautiful, but also functional – dinner table and chairs that will form a picnic area for you, your family and friends. Only a few things are better than having a delicious meal outside in your own garden.

Garden picnic sets are available in many different shapes and sizes, so you’ll surely find something suitable for your own garden. The cheapest, plastic (usually white) garden set is the most obvious and the most known option, but it doesn’t look good in most garden arrangements, is not durable and stains very easily. If you’re serious about your garden design, you should choose something better. Fortunately, there are many alternative solutions on the market.

Wooden tables and chairs or benches can look great in almost every garden and are considered universal. But not every type of wood has appropriate resistance to weather conditions and most of your wooden equipment should be maintained and waterproofed regularly.

You can also consider buying a rattan garden furniture set, as it is lighter than a solid wood one. Such furniture will fit small gardens, as it will not overwhelm the whole design, but it can be also used in bigger exteriors, as rattan furniture weights next to nothing and can be carried to a different spot in your garden easily if you desire to change your usual outside dining area.

Another alternative is table with granite worktops . Most often it is fixed in place (even if not, it is just too heavy to carry it around), so you have to carefully think about the spot you will put it on, but if your overall garden design relies on stone elements (i.e. classical English design with low stone walls, figures, arches etc.), a granite garden table will complement the overall look very nicely. Furthermore, if it’s properly maintained and waterproofed, it will last for years in spotless condition.